(three days after planting!)
We purchased a few grow lights, as our home doesn't have enough sun through the windows to get seeds growing. Our whole family delighted in seeing the progress from day to day...
(12 days after planting)
(22 days after planting)
(35 days after planting)
At this point, it was warm enough to start hardening off the plants --- so, we took them outside on a lovely sunny day...and then forgot to bring them in at night. Needless to say, they died. Instantly. As in, one day they were big and beautiful, and the next day the stems were limp and translucent. I was sick. Sick! My first ever successful attempt at seed starting ended overnight because I neglected to bring the plants in overnight. 96 plants...gone. ACK! But --- the time I spent at the "potting party" workshop was totally worth it, even if my plants did die. I was able to enjoy the company of my best friend (hereby called "bestie") and alone time from my kiddos for a few hours on the weekend. So all was certainly not lost! Though our plants died, we bought seeds to replace them; and I sure had fun, despite the tragic death of our seedlings...duh duh duh...