Saturday, March 30, 2013



Welcome to our Yarden --- a place where we grow our vegetables --- in the midst of toys, play structures, wildlife, and general chaos. I should start with introductions...I am Autumn, wife to Cullen (who you'll hear more from soon), and mama to three children: two boys, ages 6 and 3, and one girl, age 9 months.

Gardening has been a love of mine for several years; however, I have been the only participant. This year, my husband of 10 years has taken an active role in my passion. We are now working together to make the most of the little land we have to work with. We live in the middle of a small, but bustling, city, and own about 1/4 acre of land. I have always been a row gardener, as that is what I grew up with. This year, however, is an experimental year. Given our small space to work with and the fact that our garden has had some difficulty in the past few years, we decided to try our hand at raised beds and square foot gardening.

We are looking forward to blogging our progress, successes, and failures.


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