Thursday, April 11, 2013

Grow, baby, grow!

Have I mentioned how much I love watching our plants grow??? Well, I do. Here are a few photos of the seedlings we've started indoors. Remember what they looked like just 4 days ago? 4 days, folks! Now look at them!

 Since it was 80 degrees yesterday, they enjoyed some outside time in the sunlight. Our grow lights work well, but nothing is better than the real thing.

The seeds are slowly, but surely, emerging from the raised beds outside. We just got a really nice rain, so I expect major growth by the end of the day; especially if the sun decides to come out at all. It's amazing how effective rain water is versus water from the hose. A few weeks ago, we constructed our first rain barrel. We got about a half inch of rain the next day, and the barrel was completely full. We're working now on getting a few more barrels - once we do, I'll share our methods of construction. Stay tuned!

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