Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Don’t Like Vegetables! Why would I want a Garden?

My name is Cullen. I am not a vegetable eater. Never have been. I used to eat corn and potatoes and only corn and potatoes. That didn’t change much when I first got married. Once I had children I changed my eating habits slightly. I now eat green beans, peas, broccoli, and more salad --- trying to set a good example and all. That is still about the extent of what I like. I have texture issues with food. Personal demons I want to start trying to exorcise. That’s why I want a garden.

There has been countless research done on the harmful effects of pesticides and herbicides that are sprayed on commercial crops. I have seen all the movies pertaining to the mistreatment of animals and the effects of chemicals on the plants we eat. Still, we buy what we need from the grocery store because it’s cheap. In these current economic times, who doesn’t want to save a dollar or two? I know this guy does. However, as I grow older and hopefully wiser I am starting to see things in a different light. I could stand to lose a few pounds and be in better shape… (Who couldn’t, right???) I know that natural, organic, non-treated plants are great for me. So in an effort to be a healthier person I will try every vegetable that comes out of our garden. That’s why I want a garden.
I love being outside. My kids love being outside. Gardening gets us outside. That’s why I want a garden.

I love my wife and enjoy sharing in her passions. We get to spend time together as adults and gardening gives us something fun to do together. It gives us something to talk about other than the children’s bowel movements and their temper tantrums. That’s why I want a garden.

To be a happier, healthier, closer family. That’s why I want a garden.

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